Monday, September 27, 2010

Manners, shut up and trouble

There were three boys named Manners, Shut up and Trouble.
One day, the boys decide to play hide-and-seek. Trouble is on. Manners goes and hides in a tree and Shut up goes and hides in a trash can.
At that moment, a policeman comes up to the trash can to throw away a banana peel. He opens the lid, only to find a boy in there.

The policeman asks, " What are you doing in there, boy?"
Shut up replies, "Playing hide-and-seek, sir."
Intrigued, the policeman asks,"What's your name, boy?"
"Shut up."
"Where are your manners, boy?!"
"Manners is up the tree."
"Boy, are you looking for trouble???"
"No sir, Trouble is looking for me!"

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